by Tim
Note: A version of this piece originally appeared in Policy
Options. For the full link, visit
We have
been subjected to years of obesity-related headlines, and the news almost
always seems to be discouraging. Obesity has become a public health crisis that
gets worse all the time, seemingly immune to public policy fixes. It is no
surprise, then, that there is an intensifying search for a technological,
pharmaceutical or, at least, biomedically oriented answer. The search for an
“obesity gene” is a big part of the -cutting-edge, science-will-save-us ethos. Articles
like the Globe and Mail’s 2008 “Now you can blame
those extra pounds on the ‘ice age’ gene” reinforce the emerging
message that we should be look to genetic-based solutions to fix our public
health crisis. This is a mistake, for many reasons.

things you need to know about obesity and genes:
1. The predictive power of genetics, at least to
date, has not been terribly impressive.
2. The relationship between genes and weight
gain is tremendously complex, and studies have
shown there is little evidence to suggest genes “could have a beneficial effect
on behavior”.
3. Few Canadians eat a balanced diet, exercise
enough or are even aware of how many calories they
do or should consume.
myths about obesity and genes:
Myth #1:
Our genes have changed over the past few decades; our
environment has.
The list of possible contributors to weight gain include our
sleep habits, the microbes living in our gut, whether our parents smoked, our
birth weight, the amount of TV we watch, the type of food we eat and have
access to, our socio-economic conditions, and so on.
Myth #2: Exciting new research will save us from this
We should not let the excitement surrounding genetic research
and personalized medicine distract us from the significant and wide-ranging
social change that is required to make a real difference.
Myth #3:
Well then, isn’t research on the genetics of obesity useless?
Not at all. In addition to simply allowing us to gain a greater
understanding the biology behind weight gain (a worthy goal on its own), it may
help to inform future interventions. But we are looking at a public health
problem across a broad swath of the population. It is absurd to concentrate on
our genes to reverse an obesity epidemic.
Timothy Caulfield is a Canada Research
Chair in Health Law and Policy and a Professor in the Faculty of Law and the
School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. He has been the Research Director of the Health Law Institute
at the University of Alberta since 1993. Over the past several years he has
been involved in a variety of interdisciplinary research endeavours that have
allowed him to publish over 250 articles and book chapters. He is a Fellow of
the Trudeau Foundation, a Health Senior Scholar with the Alberta Heritage
Foundation for Medical Research and the Principal Investigator for a number of
large interdisciplinary projects that explore the ethical, legal and health
policy issues associated with a range of topics, including stem cell research,
genetics, patient safety, the prevention of chronic disease, obesity policy,
the commercialization of research, complementary and alternative medicine and
access to health care. Professor Caulfield is and has been involved with a
number of national and international policy and research ethics committees,
including: Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee; Genome Canada’s Science
Advisory Committee; the Ethics and Public Policy Committee for International
Society for Stem Cell Research; and the Federal Panel on Research Ethics. He
has won numerous academic awards and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
He writes frequently for the popular press on a range of health and
science policy issues and is the author of The
Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and
Happiness (Penguin 2012).
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