by Candy Khan

Three things everyone should know about diversity and inclusion at the City of Edmonton…
- Diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our culture, values and the way we do business.
- The City of Edmonton has a Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Framework that reflects Corporate Leadership Team’s vision to create an innovative organization.
- The City of Edmonton has four (4) Diversity and Inclusion goals:
- Having a workforce that is broadly reflective of the community.
- Identifying and addressing barriers within organizational systems.
- Attracting and retaining a talented workforce skilled at working in an inclusive and respectful manner with one another and the community.
- Creating processes, policies, plans, practices, programs and services that meet the diverse needs of those we serve.
Three myths about diversity and inclusion at the City of Edmonton...
Myth #1: Diversity means ethnic diversity.
The Reality: The City of Edmonton has a broad meaning of
diversity. The City of Edmonton defines
diversity as the range of human difference.
It includes a person’s age, socioeconomic background, gender, race, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, ancestry, disability, religion, or physical
characteristics. Each person has layers
of diversity which makes their perspective unique. Individuals may share a common factor, such
as age, but they may differ regarding their gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic
Myth #2: The City of
Edmonton hires employees based on the Employment
Equity (quota system) set out by the Federal Government.
The Reality: The City aims to employ a workforce that
broadly reflects the population of Edmonton. This will be achieved by removing
barriers (e.g., policies or practices that unintentionally exclude people) and
promote an inclusive and respectful workplace culture. The City has a
transparent and consistent hiring
policy to ensure individuals best suited for a position are hired
irrespective of their age, socioeconomic background, gender, race, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, ancestry, dis/ability, religion, or physical
Myth #3: The
Respectful Workplace Directive openly invites complaints and enables disputes
in the workplace.
The Reality: Respectful workplace training is available for
all City staff. This training clarifies the City of Edmonton’s policy,
directive, and framework regarding diversity and inclusion. Employees
understand their human rights. Human rights
contribute to us all working and operating in a respectful and inclusive
manner. The respectful workplace training serves to educate and prevent
disputes to ensure a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace for all.
If that is so, how it is that the city employees in the public view seem to mostly (at least 90%) Caucasian although the city of Edmonton is very diverse. Where are the barriers...the numbers of visible or racialized people qualified or at the hiring level?